06 Nov Alone in New York
2017 has been a good year. And a bad year. It has been a year in which I made 9 trips outside my country but it has also been a year in which I ended up in the hospital twice.
It has been the year in which I finally visited Ibiza but it was also the year in which I had a complicated apendectomy.
It has been the year in which I first celebrated New Year in a club at Pacha Barcelona but it has also been the year when a driver hit me from behind and projected me into another 3 cars leaving me injured.
2017 started as a couple but ended up single.
2017 has been the year in which I first saw Rome, Athens, Puglia, Ibiza but it has also been the year when I needed two months for medical leave.
2017 has been a good year but also a bad year.
So after Ibiza I started thinking that I needed something to end the year up in style.
And what better statement for that than New York?
On the 19th of September I had nothing. No visa, no plane ticket, no accomodation.
On the 27th after a hard day at work I opened my laptop as I got home and in 30 minutes I had everything. Tickets, accomodation…even some tickets for events.
The visa came a few days earlier and during those days I kept thinking if I should do this or not.
Now as you probably know if you read my blog I have no problem with travelling alone but this time it was different.
The accident happened in late may, then surgery in august and my departure was scheduled for octomber.
I felt and I still feel week on certain days, my surgery bothering me a bit, getting tired more easily than before and the fact that are over 7000 km between Bucharest and New York did not help one bit.
I started writing this as I still was in New York after my first experience on a Broadway show.
I will try to make this series a bit more personal. During my 7 and a half days spent in this city I got a good chance to analyse a few things, think on others and make some decisions.
I am pretty sure that the bulk of this post will be written on the plane, during my 12-14 hours flight but I really wanted to start early on this having so much to say.
As I lay in bed I still can’t belive that tomorrow night I will pack my bags and the next day in the evening I will start the long way home.
This trip has brought a ton of firsts for me. First trip over the ocean, first trip in the USA, first time I was not accomodated in a hotel during my stay and so much more.
This day ended up in an amazing way with a live performance that made me wish I had more time for at least one more play but it also started with removing a few persons from my life. Yes, from such a long distance but such is life.
As I lay in the bed writing this post and looking at the skyscrapers many things cross my mind. Related to this trip or related to my personal life, things just start to pop in my head making me think more or less about them.

In New York I saw old and I saw new. I saw big skyscrapers and also small buildings, I saw black and I saw white and I saw other colors too. I have seen big, shapeless forms and I have seen small delicate structures.I have seen bad and I have seen good.
Yesterday as I just entered the house another terrorist attack unfolded just a few miles away leaving 8 dead and more injured.
I have felt joy but also sorrow and pain.
I have discovered a special person where I wasn’t expecting it and I also had to let go of some people that stood for too long in my life.
Not only did New York proved beyond my expectations it also helped me solved some of my problems but also raised new questions.
New York gave me the time to think. Lost in an ocean of people, always having my camera ready, my mind flew back and forth between my questions and the beauty of the places I was seeing.
New York gave me a chance to be with myself, to enjoy some time alone after the days and nights spent in the hospital along other 20 persons at some moments.
The sound of the city is strong as I keep my window open. Be it 2 in the morning or 2 in the afternoon this place never sleeps.
As my mind flies from how the posts will look to the girl I will date back home the horns and sirens sound loudly, sometimes covering my thoughts.
My first day here was amazing, one of the most beautiful days in my life with a weather that let me took amazing shots and right there from the start made me wonder if I could live in such a city.
The second day, as it often happens in life, made me think darker thoughts as 24 to 26 hours of rain fell over the city.
For today I guess that is all. On the next post I will write a bit about everything: the flight, accomodation, restaurants I tried, sport events I saw, cultural events I attended to, prices and more and them O will begin addressing each issue on its own.
Hope you all enjoy it,