
Virtual coffee


A 1 on 1 virtual meeting in which we can talk about different topics.

A couple of ideas can be found below but keep in mind that the list is expanding.

* since I am a Fujifilm user I can talk to you about the different cameras and lenses that I owned, how I used them, travelling with minimal gear, shooting different types of photography with Fuji(travel, landscape, documentary, food and product, sports)
* talks about composition, lightning, rule of thirds and many other photography “rules”
* stuck in a rut? Maybe one of my articles will help you get inspired again
* photography competitions, distinctions, awards and what you should know before deciding to participate
* how I made money through photography ( it is not glam I can assure you)
* how I became a sports photographer and how I got to attend some really nice events
* how I got published in magazines
* discussing your creative process
* the importance of mentorship

Please bear in mind that I don’t do photography portfolio reviews.

I could offer my opinion on a body of work if that is important to you but after paying for many such reviews I came to a few conclusions that I would be glad to share to you during our talks.

Also I am not touching on editing and manipulation of photos in Lr, Ps or Capture One since this is a field where I consider myself to be a student in learning and it wouldn’t be fair to teach what I don’t know 100%.

While I know many people focus on gear talks I am quite the opposite.

I love talking about experiences, travels, ideas.

I always try to motivate and lift others and try to help them if they are stuck in a rut or if they think they lost their spark.

All the pictures you see here or on my social media were taken on relatively cheap gear( Fuji X-T20, Fuji X-S10, Fuji X-E2, Nikon D750, Sony a6300) and mostly second hand lenses so this is one of the reasons why gear is not that important for me.

But talking about personal development, on how to grow as a photographer, on how to return to love photography, these topics I do love talking about.

So, if you think I can help you or your photography, let’s talk!

After booking a Virtual coffee I will get in touch with you by email and we will set up a date that is convenient for both of us and a way of interacting( I use Skype but also open to Zoom, Teams, etc if it is easier for you).
