About Me

About Me

Below, you can find a few details about my distinctions and accomplishments since I started photography.


It is a continuous changing list due to the fact that I do join online competitions regularly but I will tey to keep this updated as much as I can.


So, a few of my accomplishments during the last years are:


*New York Institute of Photography Professional Photography Course Graduate

*FujiXPassion contributor

*Phoblographer contributor

*International Sports Press Association(AIPS) member

*Romanian Sports Press Association(ARPS) member

*Romanian National Photographers Association(AAFRO) member

*Photographic Society of America(PSA) member

*Participated in over 70 international photography competitions with more than 300 acceptances, over 70 awards and 20 medals

*AAPG distinction (Artist Association of Photographers of Georgia)

*EAPG distinction (Excellence Association of Photographers of Georgia)

* 2 stars in PTD(Photo travel Division) and PJD(Photojournalism Division) in Photographic Society of America)

* QPSA Distinction( Qualified PSA)

*Inducted in the IAAP (International Association of Art Photographers) Hall of Fame for 2022