13 Aug Driving with Hertz. Loving Dorset.
A full day exploring its beauty.
After the first three days spent in beautiful Cornwall (1, 2, 3) and the fourth driving and exploring a bit of Dorset while travelling to Weymouth I got a full day just to walk around this area and enjoy as many things as I could.
Needless to say I left my accommodation early so I could reach Old Harry Rocks as soon as possible.
While I am aware that on most occasions the places I want to see will be crowded with tourists, sometimes, when I am able to wake up early I like to leave the hotel as soon as possible and get to the place I want to visit fast.
It is nice to enjoy some places with less or no people present. They look different than during the main portion of the day when they are flooded with people.
One thing important to note is that while travelling to these parts of England I did not meet as many tourists as in other countries.
While England is beautiful and it offers a lot of amazing places I think it is still under the radar as a serious tourist destination.
All the places I visited regardless if it was Cornwall, Dorset, Devon were not filled with tourists and I think that made my visit even more pleasant.
Only when reaching The Cotswolds did I encounter buses filled with tourists and felt like in any major destination. But even here I think it really depends on the villages you want to see but I will talk about this on another post, where I will cover my time in Cotswolds.
There are only 45-50 kilometers between Weymouth and Old Harry Rocks so I got there pretty early and left my car in the parking lot and from there traveled by foot.
From the parking lot there is a simple, straight line towards Old Harry Rocks that spans for about 2.5 kilometers.
After paying for 3 hours of parking I started walking slowly towards the place, wondering from time to time if I am on the right path because I was alone.
And I was alone for the whole length of the road which I guess it can be a bit creepy during night time especially if visiting alone and if you look to take pictures of Old Harry Rocks and the stars or the moon.
While reaching the Rocks I met a young couple there who was having fun with a drone and taking pictures from above. I strongly suggest, if you have the possibility, to take pictures from a drone.
Catching the sea, the white of the rocks, the green grass, it all just looks great from the sky. I actually saw some pictures on Instagram taken from the air and really enjoyed them.
While I did not try it, I think that this place offers some great possibilities for night shooting. Far from any source of pollution, the white of the rocks visible at night, it all can add up to some pretty interesting pictures. If you have someone to accompany you there and of course, you enjoy taking pictures at night.
Old Harry Rocks is just one of those places that made Dorset famous. The Jurassic Coast is filled with awesome places like this or West Bay or more places that I will talk about soon.

From Old Harry Rocks I drove 28 kilometers to Lulworth Cove and let the car in the parking lot.
Depending on your level of fitness you can reach Durdle Door by foot fron Lulworth Cove but since I was driving it would have been too much to walk that much to there and back to the car park to get my car.
So if memory serves me right I paid 4 pounds for two hours and went on exploring Lulworth Cave and Stair Hole.
Lulworth is one place I felt sorry about not having a wide angle lens. No matter how hard I tried my pictures all came up clipped to to how narrow my lens was.
I truly think that the Jurassic Coast is a must see once in your lifetime.
Be it West Bay, Old Harry Rocks, Lulworth Cove, Durdle Door, etc this area is outstanding and I am extremely happy that I decided to visit this part of England.
Next on my list was Durdle Door. Just a few minutes away from Lulworth Cove by car the parking was the same so you can really say that paying parking in the UK doubled my trip costs.
Here, just like in other places you need to pay and display so you won’t have problems.
I think Durdle Door is one of Britain’s most Instagramable places. Ever since I saw a picture of this place I knew I had to get there, see it and take my own pictures.

One regret I had is that I didn’t visit it at night also. The photo opportunities are simply amazing and many photographers took stunning pictures here.
I always said that Italy is my favorite country. In a way it still is. But there is a soft spot in my heart for England.
I trully think that this is one of the most beautiful countries I ever visited.
Beautiful lakes, charming little villages, stunning cliffs, small bays, ancient misterious structures and more, they all add up to an amazing destination.

And that is regardless if you are looking for history, landscapes or anything else.
The UK can deliver.
Searching, correcting now this article made me look on my old photos and also browse the Instagram for the latest pics from a few of these places.
I am not sure of when but what I do know is that I will visit this part of England again.
I think that even though I saw lots of beautiful places in Cornwall, Dorset, Devon, there are still a great number of places that just wait to be discovered.
And who knows, maybe next time I’ll catch some beautiful night pictures at Durdle Door also.